I would not wish this job on anyone.
No, I'm sorry to say I did not vote for you in the primaries, nor did I vote for you in the election, but you are now the leader of this country so I will try my best to come to terms with that and show you respect.
But first, can you respect me?
Will you continue to let my best friends with different sexualities than me have their rights to marry?
Will you try to fix the broken communities of POC and help them find peace with their own kind being killed off by people meant to protect us?
Will you really build your wall, but also make citizenship much easier so that people may start over and have better lives for themselves and their families?
Will you make healthcare available for any citizen who is injured or needs care?
Will you help the unemployed find steady careers?
Will you accept immigrants who's lives have been taken from them with open arms?
These are all things that need to be answered but the question that's been burning on my brain this last portion of the election is what I really need to know.
What will you do to help end sexaul assault and rape culture?
You have a dog eat dog mentality. You have a "boys will be boys" way of life and you've made it very clear by talking so explicitly about taking what you want from women (specifically winning them over somehow by grabbing them by their genitals). You've said that your daughter was so beautiful, if she wasn't your daughter you would sleep with her. What kind of message to you think that sends to people? Their president normalizing that train of thought like it's okay. What about Brock Turner and his disturbingly short sentence for raping a girl? Will you look at it as the perpetrator doesn't deserve their life to end when they've basically taken the life from the victim? Do you condone slapping the victim in the face while their abuser gets a slap on the wrist? What can you do for a rape victim like me, that still wakes up in the middle of the night shaking and crying five years after it actually occurred? Will you send me to a psych? Or will you tell me I must be lying since I waited so long to say anything? Will you make me out as a person that wanted the abuse? Will you make excuses, talk about my clothing, suggest that I was a tease, that I was asking for it, that it was all brought on by my own actions? Will I even be considered a rape victim with your presidency, or just another little girl in the wrong place at the wrong time? Will I be considered a victim at all, or will I be the villain for accusing my abuser of something they did, something they stole from me, and will I be looked at as the one taking their life from them? Will I be validated as a survivor, or will I be punished for being brave and speaking up, even though many years later?
I can give you my respect if you can return the favor, and also return the favor of all fellow American citizens.
I pray you choose your words wisely.